Student Policies

Academic Misconduct

ANZIIF recognises that the vast majority of members and students act professionally, ethically and responsibly in undertaking their studies and conducting their activities with ANZIIF.

ANZIIF does not tolerate any academic misconduct by its students or nominated exam supervisors in academic affairs, and serious penalties apply to those who are found to have violated academic integrity. Examples of academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:

— passed off as their own work, or copied without acknowledgment as to its authorship, the work of any other person. This means using artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as ChatGPT is strictly prohibited.
— obtaining or giving assessment answers to another student(s).

In the event of academic misconduct, ANZIIF employs robust procedures that uphold the standing of the organisation and the insurance and financial services industry. These procedures are administered through the Academic Misconduct Committee.
The Academic Misconduct Policy outlines circumstances requiring an investigation into suspected misconduct and assists the Academic Misconduct Committee to operate effectively and fairly, particularly when applying disciplinary procedures.
Complaints and Appeals Policy

ANZIIF’s Complaints and Appeals Policy provides a framework for managing academic and non-academic complaints and appeals. A complaint may include the following:

 - student services, delivery and assessment

 - subject enrolment, delivery and assessment

 - outcomes or progression

 - unfair treatment on the grounds of access and equity

 - occupational health and safety concerns relating to subject delivery and/or assessment.

If you have a grievance, the first step is to contact the Customer Service team who will attempt to resolve the issue informally and advise the outcome within three business days. If the Customer Service consultant cannot resolve the grievance informally, you may lodge a formal complaint. ANZIIF will document the formal complaint and acknowledge receipt within five business days. The Customer Service consultant will escalate the complaint to the Manager Customer Service through to the General Manager - Professional Standards (as required) for resolution. You will receive a decision within 10 business days.

Appeals procedure

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal resolution, you can request a review of the decision within 10 business days of the determination. You must document your request in writing to ANZIIF will acknowledge the appeal request in writing within five business days. An independent third party will review the appeal and make a final determination within 20 business days. There is no cost associated with the appeal and the decision will be binding on all parties.

Withdrawing from Study

When withdrawing from a module, ANZIIF must be informed in writing by the relevant Enrolment Change Cut-Off date listed on the Academic Calendar. The withdrawal will be noted on your academic record.

For withdrawals before the relevant Enrolment Change Cut-Off date listed on the Academic Calendar, 25% of fees will be retained to cover administrative costs and 75% of fees will be held in credit on your account towards any future ANZIIF transaction. Any credit (fully transferrable) must be used within one year of the date of issue.

If ANZIIF is notified before your study period commences, the student will be eligible for a full refund. If ANZIIF is notified after the Enrolment Change Cut-Off date, the student will not be eligible for any credit. See the Academic Calendar for all key enrolment dates.

Please send your request in writing to ANZIIF Customer Service and allow up to three business days to receive a response.

Reasonable Adjustments
This process is for students who wish to seek reasonable adjustments due to a disability or health condition which may impact their ability to complete an assessment.  This policy does not cover adjustments to exam results.

Students are not required or obliged to disclose a disability or health condition; however, ANZIIF cannot make individual adjustments for students who do not disclose their disability or health condition.

Any disability or health condition disclosure will be treated confidentially in accordance with ANZIIF’s Privacy policy.

Students who wish to be considered for reasonable adjustment should apply for Reasonable Adjustment.
Special Consideration

Special consideration is any set of circumstances which disadvantages a student’s study program to a serious extent and results in an inability to complete an assessment or sit a scheduled examination. ANZIIF recognises that part-time distance education study can sometimes be difficult and taxing and is supportive of students in difficult circumstances.

Special Consideration covers, but is not limited to:

- serious medical condition or injury

- bereavement or illness of a family member

- personal reasons of an ongoing or sudden nature that severely impacts mental health

- other exceptional circumstances beyond your control

Special consideration does not cover misreading the examination timetable, work commitments or adjustments to exam results.

Special consideration does not allow for moderating an exam to a competent result; each exam must be marked based on the answers submitted.

Documentary Evidence

All applications must be accompanied by documentary evidence supporting the grounds for special consideration. What evidence is needed will depend on the circumstance. Generally, a medical certificate or a letter from your manager on company letterhead (if you have made your condition known to them) is enough.  Applications for special consideration should be submitted to the Student Support team. 

Changes to your Enrolment

Changes initiated by students

Students are able to make changes to their enrolment, such as changes to their study period or to the unit that they are currently enrolled in. Any changes are to be made by the relevant Enrolment Change Cut-Off date listed on the Academic Calendar.

An administrative fee may be incurred for any changes. The fee is N$35 for students in New Zealand or A$30 for all other students. See the Academic Calendar for all key enrolment dates.

Please send your request in writing to ANZIIF Customer Service and allow up to three business days to receive a response.

Changes initiated by ANZIIF

In the unlikely event that ANZIIF defaults, for unforeseen reasons, and is unable to provide a course of study or continue a course of study, a full refund will be provided within 28 days. 

Changes initiated by a government enforced update

Every 4 – 5 years, there is a government-enforced Training package update which may result in a change to your course structure. These updates are beyond our control and ANZIIF and its students will need to adhere to them. When this occurs, ANZIIF will try to ensure you receive the maximum number of credits towards the updated qualification, but it is possible that some of your previously completed units may not count towards the updated qualification. The best way to ensure that you are not affected is to complete your qualification within one to two years of commencing studies.

Privacy Statement
We understand the concerns you may have for your privacy and the security of information collected from you, either in hard-copy or online, and is committed to protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information, ensuring that your personal data is handled sensitively and securely. The purpose of this policy is to let ANZIIF customers know what information is collected about them, how this information is used and if it is disclosed.

Read our full Privacy Statement