Lloyd's Innovators Scholarship

Congratulations to the 2024 winner of the Lloyd's Innovators Scholarship

Angela Mosedale, Underwriting Assistant at Agile Underwriting Services


Applications will open in February 2025.

The Scholarship aims to recognise future leaders and innovators and build awareness of Lloyd’s and its role in the past, present and future of insurance and reinsurance – both locally and globally.

Lloyd’s Australia is offering a limited number of scholarships to help take winners from Tier 1 qualification (brokers and general insurance professionals) or AICLA Certificate in Loss Adjusting (loss adjusters) to Diploma. Each scholarship includes enrolment in the ANZIIF course "Lloyd's Demystified" and is valued at up to $5,000.

Winners also will have the opportunity to have a ‘day-in-the-life-of’ experience in Lloyd’s Australia Sydney office (travel at own expense).

The Lloyd’s Australia Innovators Scholarship is open to brokers, general insurance professionals and loss adjusters who have a Tier 1/AICLA level certification.

In line with Lloyd’s Diversity and Inclusion commitments, applications from a range of backgrounds, capabilities, experiences, perspectives and approaches are encouraged.

Application Process

To apply, applicants must:

  1. Write a one-page pitch, which, if selected, will be presented to a judging panel
  2. Include an up-to-date CV
  3. Forward applications to: [email protected]

Your Pitch

Write a one-page (maximum) pitch, drawing on Lloyd’s record of innovation, outlining an idea that Lloyd’s could harness to either share an emerging or developing risk or to share an existing risk differently. 

If selected, you will be asked to introduce yourself and pitch your idea to the Judges (30min, including time for questions and discussion).

The applicant will be marked on the:

  • Quality of presentation and engagement with the topic
  • Structure, coherence and clarity
  • Original thinking and ideas expressed
  • Level of personal reflection

Style guide:

  • Maximum one page
  • Arial 11-point font
  • PDF document named as ‘Surname, Given Name – 2024 Pitch’
  • Images or diagrams may be used in both one-page pitch and presentation


The Scholarship will be judged by:

  • Christopher Mackinnon, Lloyd’s Regional Director Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa
  • Peter Plustwik, General Manager Lloyd’s Australia
  • A representative of ANZIIF

More Information

For more information, please refer to the documents below or call +61(0)2 8537 3502

Related Learning Resource

Check out the related short course if you wish to learn more about Lloyd’s. 

Lloyd’s Demystified: Understanding the World's Leading Insurance Market

Congratulations to the 2024 winner of the Lloyd's Innovators Scholarship

Angela Mosedale, Underwriting Assistant at Agile Underwriting Services


Applications will open in February 2025.

The Scholarship aims to recognise future leaders and innovators and build awareness of Lloyd’s and its role in the past, present and future of insurance and reinsurance – both locally and globally.

Lloyd’s Australia is offering a limited number of scholarships to help take winners from Tier 1 qualification (brokers and general insurance professionals) or AICLA Certificate in Loss Adjusting (loss adjusters) to Diploma. Each scholarship includes enrolment in the ANZIIF course "Lloyd's Demystified" and is valued at up to $5,000.

Winners also will have the opportunity to have a ‘day-in-the-life-of’ experience in Lloyd’s Australia Sydney office (travel at own expense).

The Lloyd’s Australia Innovators Scholarship is open to brokers, general insurance professionals and loss adjusters who have a Tier 1/AICLA level certification.

In line with Lloyd’s Diversity and Inclusion commitments, applications from a range of backgrounds, capabilities, experiences, perspectives and approaches are encouraged.

Application Process

To apply, applicants must:

  1. Write a one-page pitch, which, if selected, will be presented to a judging panel
  2. Include an up-to-date CV
  3. Forward applications to: [email protected]

Your Pitch

Write a one-page (maximum) pitch, drawing on Lloyd’s record of innovation, outlining an idea that Lloyd’s could harness to either share an emerging or developing risk or to share an existing risk differently. 

If selected, you will be asked to introduce yourself and pitch your idea to the Judges (30min, including time for questions and discussion).

The applicant will be marked on the:

  • Quality of presentation and engagement with the topic
  • Structure, coherence and clarity
  • Original thinking and ideas expressed
  • Level of personal reflection

Style guide:

  • Maximum one page
  • Arial 11-point font
  • PDF document named as ‘Surname, Given Name – 2024 Pitch’
  • Images or diagrams may be used in both one-page pitch and presentation


The Scholarship will be judged by:

  • Christopher Mackinnon, Lloyd’s Regional Director Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa
  • Peter Plustwik, General Manager Lloyd’s Australia
  • A representative of ANZIIF

More Information

For more information, please refer to the documents below or call +61(0)2 8537 3502

Related Learning Resource

Check out the related short course if you wish to learn more about Lloyd’s. 

Lloyd’s Demystified: Understanding the World's Leading Insurance Market