Corporate Sponsorship

Corporate Supporter Program

ANZIIF’s Corporate Supporter program was established in 2006 to create opportunities for ANZIIF and enterprise to work together on industry-relevant, not-for-profit projects. This program provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your corporate social responsibility to a well-recognised and credible brand within the insurance and finance industry. 

Learn more about the Corporate Supporter Program.

Event Sponsorship

Each year ANZIIF offers a comprehensive range of conferences, seminars, training and networking events. Taking place across Australia and New Zealand, these events attract delegates from all streams of the insurance and financial industries alongside professionals from accounting, finance and legal firms through to information technology professionals.

There are many opportunities available to partner with ANZIIF as an event sponsor to show your commitment to the development of the insurance and financial services industries.

As an ANZIIF event sponsor you’re provided with the opportunity to:

  • gain exposure to an online audience of  over 75,000 people who visit the ANZIIF events pages*
  • increase brand awareness to ANZIIF members and non-members with branding opportunities including strategic logo placements and links to your website
  • be included in event promotion through ANZIIF's various social media channels
  • advertising through industry publications including Insurance News, Insurance Business Online, Asia Insurance Review and the ANZIIF Journal
  • work proactively with organisations that support the industry 
  • support the exchange of knowledge and expertise among those in insurance 
  • engage with a wide range of audiences, including CEOs, key decision makers, middle-level managers and young insurance professionals 
  • provide insurance professionals with a platform to develop personally and professionally by enhancing professional networks and sharing knowledge and experiences 
  • align your brand with a recognised association that continues to support the insurance and finance industry with its highly reputable education and membership. 

If you’re interested in becoming an event sponsor, or would like to find out about partnership levels and investments for any of our events, contact Barbara Maruno, on +61 0403 501 427 or email Sponsorship

*Based on entire audience of events section for 2024


A variety of advertising opportunities are also available at ANZIIF including: 

  • The ANZIIF Journal — Advertise in the official publication of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF). 
  • Member Newsletter — Advertise in ANZIIF’sweekly member newsletter

Learn more about advertising with ANZIIF

Member Articles

We encourage our members' to contribute content to the Journal and website professional development content. Members who contribute will also be considered for our annual E.E. Vines memorial prize for the best member article. To submit an article to the Journal please refer to our Editorial Guidelines

The Journal is the official publication of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF). A professional magazine published four times a year, the Journal features articles from all sectors of the insurance industry, including insurance broking, general insurance, life insurance and superannuation, reinsurance, risk management and workers compensation, as well as management, legal and technical articles relevant to the wider financial services industry.

The JournaI is read by the most influential members of insurance and associated industries throughout Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, China and South-East Asia. 

Key reasons to advertise in the Journal

WIDE REACH: The ANZIIF Journal reaches a wide and diverse audience of financial services professionals around the world.

60,000+ READERSHIP: As the leading industry publication, the Journal offers you the opportunity to reach ANZIIF members and the wider insurance industry in more than 50 countries. The Journal enjoys a high pass-on readership rate of one to four so is also a very effective means of communicating to other associated professional groups including accountants, engineers and lawyers.

VALUED RESOURCE: The Journal is a professional publication that remains relevant over time. ANZIIF’s member survey showed that 89 per cent of members rate The Journal as good or excellent as a professional development and information tool.

INDUSTRY BENCHMARK: ANZIIF members regard the Journal as the leading informational magazine within the insurance and financial services industry, providing up-to-date technical and general information contributed by recognised leaders in their fields.

QUALITY AND DIVERSITY: A focus on varied and engaging content for each issue of the Journal ensures that a wide range of topics are covered and that all sectors of the insurance and financial services industry are provided with expert information of the highest quality.


T (61 3) 9613 7200
E [email protected]


Level 18, 1 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne,
VIC 3002, Australia
T (61 3) 9613 7200
E [email protected]


Jo Davy, Managing Editor, Hardie Grant Media
T (61 3) 8520 6476
E [email protected]


Nicole Prioste
T (61 2) 4932 7123
E [email protected]


Corporate Supporter Program

ANZIIF’s Corporate Supporter program was established in 2006 to create opportunities for ANZIIF and enterprise to work together on industry-relevant, not-for-profit projects. This program provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your corporate social responsibility to a well-recognised and credible brand within the insurance and finance industry. 

Learn more about the Corporate Supporter Program.

Event Sponsorship

Each year ANZIIF offers a comprehensive range of conferences, seminars, training and networking events. Taking place across Australia and New Zealand, these events attract delegates from all streams of the insurance and financial industries alongside professionals from accounting, finance and legal firms through to information technology professionals.

There are many opportunities available to partner with ANZIIF as an event sponsor to show your commitment to the development of the insurance and financial services industries.

As an ANZIIF event sponsor you’re provided with the opportunity to:

  • gain exposure to an online audience of  over 75,000 people who visit the ANZIIF events pages*
  • increase brand awareness to ANZIIF members and non-members with branding opportunities including strategic logo placements and links to your website
  • be included in event promotion through ANZIIF's various social media channels
  • advertising through industry publications including Insurance News, Insurance Business Online, Asia Insurance Review and the ANZIIF Journal
  • work proactively with organisations that support the industry 
  • support the exchange of knowledge and expertise among those in insurance 
  • engage with a wide range of audiences, including CEOs, key decision makers, middle-level managers and young insurance professionals 
  • provide insurance professionals with a platform to develop personally and professionally by enhancing professional networks and sharing knowledge and experiences 
  • align your brand with a recognised association that continues to support the insurance and finance industry with its highly reputable education and membership. 

If you’re interested in becoming an event sponsor, or would like to find out about partnership levels and investments for any of our events, contact Barbara Maruno, on +61 0403 501 427 or email Sponsorship

*Based on entire audience of events section for 2024


A variety of advertising opportunities are also available at ANZIIF including: 

  • The ANZIIF Journal — Advertise in the official publication of the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF). 
  • Member Newsletter — Advertise in ANZIIF’sweekly member newsletter