Corporate Supporter Program

Login - Corporate Supporter Premium Access

The Corporate Supporter program was introduced to fund projects that benefit both the insurance industry and the public.

As a Corporate Supporter, you will be contributing to programs that benefit the whole industry. The success of the Corporate Supporter program relies on a strong network of like-minded partners to ensure that these beneficial programs continue to develop.

The program offers opportunities to work together on projects that will:

  • promote and lift the profile of the insurance industry
  • support people working in the industry
  • assist communities to understand the important role that insurance and risk management plays in their lives

Industry Support

Align your brand with a credible and reputable education organisation dedicated to the insurance industry. 

Involvement and promotion of Careers in Insurance and the program


Support the insurance industry and ANZIIF members through your contributions and financial support to build research and programs. 

Demonstrate corporate social responsibility with ANZIIF and your commitment to supporting the insurance industry.

Research Program

The Corporate Supporter program funds a number of industry-wide research initiatives. Results are sent to Corporate Supporters to provide them with valid sources of industry-wide, regionally relevant insurance information, gain access to pieces of research on the insurance industry & have the opportunity to conduct a piece of co-branded research.

View the infographics on the latest research.

Motivations and Expectations: Attraction and Engagement Research

Brand Awareness

As a Corporate Supporter your logo will be displayed on both the ANZIIF and Careers In Insurance websites, and feature across all ANZIIF social media platforms.

You will also receive:

To acknowledge support externally, Corporate Supporters logos are published in each edition of the Journal (the Asia-Pacific region’s most widely read insurance publication). 

Careers In insurance

Careers in Insurance is a dynamic cross-industry initiative to raise awareness of insurance as a career of choice. Developed and funded by the ANZIIF Corporate Supporter Program, Careers in Insurance aims to inspire young people, career changers and other members of the community to see the opportunities the insurance industry has to offer.

As a Corporate Supporter you will have the opportunity to attend Career Fairs (and virtual career expos) and provide content for the Careers in Insurance website.

Visit the Careers in Insurance website

We can also provide a generic powerpoint presentation that anyone can use when presenting careers in insurance to schools. Please reach out to the Careers in Insurance team at [email protected] for more information.

Download the presentation


Why Become a Corporate Supporter

As a Corporate Supporter, you will be contributing to programs that benefit the whole industry. The success of the Corporate Supporter Program relies on a strong network of like-minded partners to ensure that these beneficial programs continue to develop.

To get involved in supporting industry programs, please email Mark Silveira or call +61 3 9613 7200 or New Zealand freecall 0800 103 675.

View the full brochure to learn more about the benefits of becoming a Corporate Supporter.

Corporate Supporters 

AIA logo
AIBG logo
Allianz logo
Austbrokers Countrywide logo
CGU logo
CHUBB logo
Duck Creek logo
Emjay logo
Finity logo
FMG logo
Fuse Recruitment
GHA logo

Insurance Advisernet logo

Insurance Commission of Western Australia

Interlink Insurance logo
IPS Insuring logo
Javln logo
McLarens logo
MCS Insurance logo
NIBA logo
Pace logo
Planned Cover logo 
QBE logo
RAA logo
RAC logo
Sexton Insurance Broking logo
Steadfast logo
SURA logo
Swiss re logo
Taylor Fry logo


VMIA logo
Wotton Kearney
Zurich logo


Past Initiatives

A key focus for ANZIIF is its community education and leadership programs, which are designed to enhance the overall understanding, professionalism and profile of the insurance and finance industry. Read about the Why Risk It? program designed for education in Schools.


Why Risk It?

ANZIIF created the Why Risk It? program in an effort to assist teachers to develop financial literacy and foster interest in insurance careers at a secondary school level.

This award-winning education program is designed for years 10-12 at schools across Australia with a focus on:

  • the concept of, and reasons for, insurance
  • an awareness of the different types of insurance
  • consumer and financial literacy in the context of insurance.

The program comes in a resource kit that includes a DVD and a classroom workbook. Since its launch, over 900 Australian schools have taught the Why Risk It? program.

To find out more about Why Risk It? Contact the Customer Service team.

Login - Corporate Supporter Premium Access

The Corporate Supporter program was introduced to fund projects that benefit both the insurance industry and the public.

As a Corporate Supporter, you will be contributing to programs that benefit the whole industry. The success of the Corporate Supporter program relies on a strong network of like-minded partners to ensure that these beneficial programs continue to develop.

The program offers opportunities to work together on projects that will:

  • promote and lift the profile of the insurance industry
  • support people working in the industry
  • assist communities to understand the important role that insurance and risk management plays in their lives

Industry Support

Align your brand with a credible and reputable education organisation dedicated to the insurance industry. 

Involvement and promotion of Careers in Insurance and the program


Support the insurance industry and ANZIIF members through your contributions and financial support to build research and programs. 

Demonstrate corporate social responsibility with ANZIIF and your commitment to supporting the insurance industry.

Research Program

The Corporate Supporter program funds a number of industry-wide research initiatives. Results are sent to Corporate Supporters to provide them with valid sources of industry-wide, regionally relevant insurance information, gain access to pieces of research on the insurance industry & have the opportunity to conduct a piece of co-branded research.

View the infographics on the latest research.

Motivations and Expectations: Attraction and Engagement Research

Brand Awareness

As a Corporate Supporter your logo will be displayed on both the ANZIIF and Careers In Insurance websites, and feature across all ANZIIF social media platforms.

You will also receive:

To acknowledge support externally, Corporate Supporters logos are published in each edition of the Journal (the Asia-Pacific region’s most widely read insurance publication). 

Careers In insurance

Careers in Insurance is a dynamic cross-industry initiative to raise awareness of insurance as a career of choice. Developed and funded by the ANZIIF Corporate Supporter Program, Careers in Insurance aims to inspire young people, career changers and other members of the community to see the opportunities the insurance industry has to offer.

As a Corporate Supporter you will have the opportunity to attend Career Fairs (and virtual career expos) and provide content for the Careers in Insurance website.

Visit the Careers in Insurance website

We can also provide a generic powerpoint presentation that anyone can use when presenting careers in insurance to schools. Please reach out to the Careers in Insurance team at [email protected] for more information.

Download the presentation


Why Become a Corporate Supporter

As a Corporate Supporter, you will be contributing to programs that benefit the whole industry. The success of the Corporate Supporter Program relies on a strong network of like-minded partners to ensure that these beneficial programs continue to develop.

To get involved in supporting industry programs, please email Mark Silveira or call +61 3 9613 7200 or New Zealand freecall 0800 103 675.

View the full brochure to learn more about the benefits of becoming a Corporate Supporter.

Corporate Supporters 

AIA logo
AIBG logo
Allianz logo
Austbrokers Countrywide logo
CGU logo
CHUBB logo
Duck Creek logo
Emjay logo
Finity logo
FMG logo
Fuse Recruitment
GHA logo

Insurance Advisernet logo

Insurance Commission of Western Australia

Interlink Insurance logo
IPS Insuring logo
Javln logo
McLarens logo
MCS Insurance logo
NIBA logo
Pace logo
Planned Cover logo 
QBE logo
RAA logo
RAC logo
Sexton Insurance Broking logo
Steadfast logo
SURA logo
Swiss re logo
Taylor Fry logo


VMIA logo
Wotton Kearney
Zurich logo


Past Initiatives

A key focus for ANZIIF is its community education and leadership programs, which are designed to enhance the overall understanding, professionalism and profile of the insurance and finance industry. Read about the Why Risk It? program designed for education in Schools.