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Skills Unit

Personal Injury Statutory Framework

Provides a snapshot of personal injury lines and the different workers compensation and compulsory third party (CTP) schemes operating in Australia. The module covers a history and overview of the political, social, and economic landscape including work, health and safety (WH&S) examines current issues in workers compensation and CTP, and stakeholder relationships. Students will learn about the management of claims under the workers compensation and CTP schemes and underwriting concepts in the personal injury market.

20 CIP Points
Personal Injury Statutory Framework
AUD $1060
Life and Retirement Income
12 weeks

What you'll learn

  • Describe the nature and intent of workers compensation and CTP
  • Outline the evolution of the principles underlying workers compensation and CTP in Australia
  • Apply principles underlying workers compensation to workplace policies and practices
  • Explain the purpose of WH&S legislation
  • Describe the roles, responsibilities and obligations of regulatory authorities, insurers and drivers
  • Outline the expected impact of WH&S policies on workers compensation
  • Explain the impact of personal injury and illness on the individual, the employer, the economy and society
  • Explain the macro risks identified by the Productivity Commission Inquiry
  • Evaluate the role and function of motor accident prevention programs
  • Outline the characteristics of workers compensation and CTP schemes in Australia
  • Distinguish between the different roles of the government, insurers and self-insurers
  • Identify and describe the key features of the schemes operating in Australia
  • Trace the progress of a dispute through the dispute management processes
  • Identify and describe strategic risks affecting personal injury schemes
  • Describe dispute resolution processes
  • Outline factors impacting on underwriting and the setting of premiums
  • Differentiate between approaches to underwriting in different schemes
  • Outline how claims management can assist the underwriter
  • Outline the size and scale of the workers compensation and CTP markets in Australia
  • Explain the implications of trends in the labour force for workers compensation costs
  • Analyse trends in workplace and motor vehicle accident injuries and claims
  • Detail how organisational practices impact on premium rates
  • Identify current issues in workers compensation and CTP
  • Summarise expert studies into the effectiveness of approaches to WH&S regulation
  • Identify the different stakeholders in a workers compensation claim
  • Identify the different stakeholders in a CTP claim and the key similarities and differences between workers compensation and CTP stakeholders
  • Outline the role of each stakeholder in the claims management process
  • Distinguish between stakeholder interests and expectations
  • Identify the effective role of a claims officer in managing stakeholders
  • Outline the basic elements of the AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 standard for managing risk
  • Compare the consultation and communication process in risk management to that for claims management
  • Explain the significance of effective claims management
  • Recognise non-routine claims
  • Evaluate the validity and eligibility of a claim
  • Outline the responsibilities of claims management
  • Explain the changing role of the claims officer and manager
  • Profile the competent claims officer and manager
  • Describe issues related to case management
  • Apply expert reports to the workplace
  • Outline workplace strategies that facilitate the claims role
  • Apply risk identification processes to claims management responsibilities
  • Plan professional development to address goals and deficiencies.


FNSPIM406 Develop and maintain knowledge of personal injury management insurance

Online Assignment

  • Pass Grade: students must be assessed as competent in all assignment questions

Online Exam

  • Pass Grade: 50%
  • Duration: 90min
20 CIP Points
Personal Injury Statutory Framework
AUD $1060
Life and Retirement Income
12 weeks