This unit is being replaced by Resolve disputes - GE20011-22
Skills Unit

Resolve disputes

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to investigate, negotiate and resolve disputes between financial services customers and organisations.

This unit applies to individuals in any sector of the financial services industry who work with others as part of a formal internal dispute resolution process.

10 CIP Points
Resolve disputes
NZD $350
General Insurance Insurance Broking Claims
5-week Study Period
10 Credit Points
Enrol Now

What you'll learn

By the end of this learning pathway, you should be able to:

  • Establish a dispute exists
  • Investigate the dispute and determine the appropriate action
  • Negotiate and resolve the dispute
  • Finalise the dispute.


FNSCUS412 Resolve disputes

Topics Covered

  • Week 1: Exploring soft skills required for effective dispute resolution
  • Week 2: Exploring the investigative skills required for effective dispute resolution
  • Week 3: Methods of dispute resolution and negotiation
  • Week 4: Rules of dispute resolution


1 Exam and 1 Simulation

See the Assessment and Academic Calendars pages for more information. 

10 CIP Points
Resolve disputes
NZD $350
General Insurance Insurance Broking Claims
5-week Study Period
10 Credit Points
Enrol Now