
AQF Diploma of Loss Adjusting

This qualification is highly regarded across the industry and provides students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in their careers. Once qualified, graduates automatically become full members of ANZIIF, the premier industry membership body in the Asia-Pacific region.

Attain Senior Associate Membership Level

Developed for employees already practising loss adjusting and who are ready to take the next step in their career. The Diploma of Loss Adjusting includes comprehensive course material developed by highly-regarded loss adjusters. It is essential for those seeking expertise and a qualification in the specialist area of claims assessment. Completion provides Senior Associate Certified Insurance Professional (CIP) membership of ANZIIF. Participants have rated the Diploma as highly relevant for those working as loss adjusters and in the claims environment. 

 ANZIIF Insurance Qualification

'The multitude of learning opportunities through ANZIIF's courses not only provides continuing professional development in loss adjusting but also in other relevant fields in the insurance industry.'

- Naaz Mohamed Mohamed Yousof, Head - Claims Investigation and Settlement (South East Asia)


'The ANZIIF Loss Adjusting Diploma framework provided me with the theoretical tools which answered my 'why' questions.'

- Justin Liang, Senior Adjuster (Australia)

Financial Services Training Package (FNS20) Update

As a result of the FNS20 training package update in 2020, ANZIIF was required to update its qualifications from 2 February 2022. Students who commenced studies between April 2016 – November 2021 should refer to this document for your pathway.

New students commencing studies from 2 February 2022 do not need to reference the PDF and should follow the prescribed Course Structure below.

Download the FNS20 Transition Pathway

Course Structure

  • To be awarded the Diploma, students must complete SEVEN compulsory units plus:
    TWO units – choose from Electives

This qualification contains units that are contextualised for New Zealand. These units are denoted by (New Zealand) in the unit name. 

Where there are two units with the same learning outcomes but one is contextualised for a specific region, students in New Zealand should choose the (New Zealand) unit. Students in Australia and the rest of the world should choose the non-New Zealand unit.

No pre-requisites


The Diploma is also the basis for membership advancement within the Australian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters (AICLA). It fulfills the education requirements for:

  • AICLA Associate membership and AICLA Chartered status *
  • AICLA Certificate in Loss Adjusting Practice and AICLA Affiliate membership (completion of LA30001 Introduction to loss adjusting , LA30002 Plan and implement loss investigation, LA30003 Evaluate collected information and report findings, GE30004 General insurance law and regulation, and CL20001 Analyse insurance claims)

*Note that only two core units may be RPL assessed.

Download the AICLA Loss Adjusting Career Pack to learn more about AICLA membership and status. Contact [email protected] to apply.


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