Loss Adjusting 101

What is a loss adjuster?

Loss adjusters investigate and settle insurance claims on behalf of insurance companies. A loss adjuster may specialise in a specific area of insurance, such as:

  • motor vehicle claims
  • personal injury claims
  • liability claims
  • property claims.

The role of a loss adjuster is a diverse one. You may be expected to perform a wide range of tasks over the course of any given day.

What duties must a loss adjuster perform?

Investigating an insurance claim can be a complex process and requires both technical expertise and critical thinking. Some of the tasks a loss adjuster may need to perform to ascertain the circumstances surrounding an incident include:

  • providing advice to claims managers
  • attending mediation and court hearings
  • liaising with insurers, customers and third-party providers
  • analysing material and data relating to the claim
  • visiting the site of the incident.

What makes a good loss adjuster?

There are several traits that make someone well suited to career in loss adjusting. Adjusters are expected to:

  • communicate effectively with people
  • apply critical thinking to maintain an unbiased perspective
  • negotiate with parties involved in the claims process
  • understand the relevant policy in detail.

Where can I find out more?

For more information about loss adjusting and other insurance roles, please explore our What You Can Do section.

If you are interested in loss adjusting as a possible career, call the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) on 03 9613 7200 to discuss their Diploma of Loss Adjusting (FNS15).